Sunday, January 22, 2012

I LOVE food, love. And I love to cook/bake. My grandma always tells me that I'm lucky that I'm good at doing both, she also stresses that she reeeally doesn't like to bake. My theory is that I love food so much that I couldn't have ever chosen one over the other; I mean, I prefer salty to sweet no doubt, but I have a severe addiction to sweet desserts so that's not saying a lot! Ever since I was a little girl I have always loved to create whatever sounds good, I have cravings worse than a pregnant woman as my mother says, and once I'm craving something there is nothing else that will satisfy my taste buds. I've found that when I'm craving something is also when I'm my best at cooking/baking, it's like it gives me inspiration that nothing else can! Anyways, I have found/created some pretty amazing (in my opinion) recipes that I just have to share...(:

Creamy chicken rigatoni
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I made this dish the other night for dinner and it was a huge hit! The leftovers were great too; I highly recommend trying this one.

Penne Pasta with sun-dried tomato cream sauce
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Oh my goodness, this was delicious! This recipe makes too big dishes, we baked the first (as instructed), then just stuck the other one in the fridge. The leftovers lasted for more than a week and kept tasting better and better, we didn't even need to bake the second dish, my mom would just eat it cold and I would microwave it. It was awesome!

S'mores Cookies!
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I. love. s'mores. No... That's an understatement. If I could eat different s'more concoctions all day long I honestly would. These cookies were amazing! I made 30 and they were all gone within two days (and this was between 6 people). The only change I would make is to take out the cinnamon, because they do taste a bit like snickerdoodles and s'mores got busy in the oven and this is their baby... not that I'm complaining, because they are delicious either way(;

Baked S'mores
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Zoom in on this picture and stare at it. I guarantee that you will start to drool. Saying that I love s'mores doesn't begin to describe it (as I said above), but I refuse to apologize. Look at these things^^^ I don't know if I've ever seen something (some food), that looks more delicious. I have been waiting to try these bad boys for when I feel like I have been way too healthy and need to get back on my bad-habit track (unfortunately I'm not great at being too healthy so I have yet to try them). Someone please tell me how amazing these taste!!!

Mac and cheeseeee
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I have serious problems with my love of mac and cheese, it's unhealthy. Literally. Bonefish Grill, California Pizza Kitchen, and Macaroni Grill always have been my favorite restaurant mac and cheese makers; all three are creamy deliciousness, mmmm! This homemade mac has great reviews and I think its tastes splendid!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shoes shoes SHOES!!!

Oh boy, as I was searching through nail art ideas on I had to scroll past all my picture of shoes, delicious, beautiful, SPARKLEY shoes... Be still my heart, I love shoes<3 it is a devastating obsession (ok, devastating to my wallet), but OH MY GOODNESS, I can't stop. And I'm ok with that, I NEED shoes, especially pretty ones(: I mean, come on, beautiful shoes just have that way of making a girl feel like she's Princess Cinderella; deny it if you want, but deep down we all know. Here are some of the drool-worthy shoes I have lovingly discovered...(;

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OMG, that is all I can say, sad, but bless... these are beautiful.

Cinderellas Wish Peep Toes... crystal, glass and pearl covered high heels.  Wedding bespoke  custom design 
Cinderella's Wish Peep Toes (perfect, I know!), these are so covered in icing that I don't know if I would wear them or keep them locked in a glass case! I WANT THEM.

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Bows<3 gotta love them, they're so sweet! I wish I knew where to buy these babies(;

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I have recently fallen in love with lace, I can't believe I only just discovered the beauty of it!

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Phew, these are hot! They have flowers and glitter, how I love flowers and glitter, mmm(: Louboutins from the movie Burlesque!

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Bows, again(: There's something about this shoes that just makes me love them, they're so sweet and the neutral color is perfect (plus this website vvv has some of the cutest stuff)!

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I know these aren't real shoes but I wish they were, they are (literally), a work of art(:

and last, but certainly not least... My Dream Shoes<3 ahhhh....
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Breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. I'm so in love with these shoes even my boyfriend feels threatened(; they are the most beautiful shoes I've ever seen, something about their soft, sweet femininity that makes me swoon, they're so delicate... true perfection, I just wish I knew who designed them...

Super cute nail polish Ideas

Today I was searching for new ideas for ways to paint my nails, which is something I've recently become utterly obsessed with, and I stumbled upon quite a few ideas that I absolutely can't wait to try! So here they are... enjoy!(:

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I did these myself(:

Why not?

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time so today I finally thought "Why not? I'll start a blog right now!" The only question left to ask was what in the world I was going to write about, I mean let's be honest, there's a blog for just about everything now-a-days! Well, after driving myself crazy thinking about what kind of blogger I wanted to be, an artsy blogger, a foody blogger, a fashion blogger; I finally just thought "
Why not be an everything blogger??" Anyone who knows me can tell you, I am all over the place with things that I love: food, clothes, jewelry, makeup, shoes, quotes, pictures, you name it I want to try it. I just recently discovered (Halleluah!), and I have developed a severe addiction to pinning anything and everything that I like, and I realized that I should just make my blog the same way. So here goes nothing(: