Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why not?

I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite some time so today I finally thought "Why not? I'll start a blog right now!" The only question left to ask was what in the world I was going to write about, I mean let's be honest, there's a blog for just about everything now-a-days! Well, after driving myself crazy thinking about what kind of blogger I wanted to be, an artsy blogger, a foody blogger, a fashion blogger; I finally just thought "
Why not be an everything blogger??" Anyone who knows me can tell you, I am all over the place with things that I love: food, clothes, jewelry, makeup, shoes, quotes, pictures, you name it I want to try it. I just recently discovered (Halleluah!), and I have developed a severe addiction to pinning anything and everything that I like, and I realized that I should just make my blog the same way. So here goes nothing(:

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